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International Baccalaureate (IB) Education
Give young people the skills, values, and knowledge to create a better and more peaceful world and equip them with the power to the live-a a global school, teacher, and student who shares one vision and mission. Imagine a community. That is the International Baccalaureate (IB).
IB teachers help students develop these humanities in the course of IB education and practice them in stronger and more sophisticated ways as they mature. The development of these humanities is the basis for developing children with an international perspective who can contribute to building a better
There are 10 learner images (≒ goals) in IB, and we aim to become truly international people while wearing these.
I. The person who explores
We develop curiosity and acquire the skills to explore and study. Learn by yourself or with others. Learn with enthusiasm and continue to have the joy of learning throughout your life.
II. Knowledgeable person
We will deepen our conceptual understanding and utilize it to explore knowledge in a wide range of fields. Address important issues and ideas in local and global societies.
III. The thinker
We utilize our critical and creative thinking skills to analyze complex issues and act responsibly. Take the lead in making rational and ethical decisions.
IV. A person who can communicate
We express ourselves confidently and creatively in multiple languages and in various ways. Listen carefully to the perspectives of others and other groups and work together effectively.
V. A person with conviction
We will act with sincerity and honesty, with fair thoughts and a strong sense of justice. And we will act with respect for the dignity and rights of all people. We are responsible for our own actions and the consequences that come with them.
VI. An open-minded person
We take the true value of our culture and personal experience correctly, and at the same time we take the true value of other people's values and traditions as well. We seek diverse perspectives, find value, and strive to grow by using that experience.
VII. Compassionate person
We show compassion, empathy, and a spirit of respect. We act to be useful to others and to improve the lives of others and the world around us.
VIII. People who challenge
We deal with uncertainties with thoughtfulness and determination. Explore new ideas and methods, either alone or in collaboration. We will be cheerful with challenges, changes, and witty methods.
IX. Well-balanced person
We understand that the balance of the intellect, body, and mind that make up our lives is important for the well-being of ourselves and others. We also recognize that we are interdependent with others and the world we live in.
X. People who can look back
We take a deep dive into the world and our thoughts and experiences. Strive to understand your strengths and weaknesses to encourage your own learning and growth.
IB interested school
SIS is registered with the IB School of Interest.
SIS is currently registered as an IB Interest School. I am training to become an IB accredited school.
3 minutes walk from the North Exit of JR Hiratsuka Station
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